Secret Mission to Dragon Island 1975
Period: Flock Hair
Dates: 1975 - c.76
Cat No: 34163
Secret Mission to Dragon Island Description:
"Action Man has volunteered for a highly dangerous mission. To find and destroy the hidden rocket site on enemy held Dragon Island. It is a solo mission. Action Man can expect no help:" reads the Palitoy leaflet accompanying the set. The Action Man Secret Mission to Dragon Island was a very well stocked play set with everything Action Man needed for a daring mission contained in a special new rucksack. It was introduced in 1975 and lasted approximately two years in production. He could also be paired up with the Action Man Assault Craft.
Action Man Secret Mission to Dragon Island Set:
ACTION MAN SECRET MISSION TO DRAGON ISLAND: Jacket, trousers, boots, helmet, belt, knife (all silver), 4 x grenades, .45 pistol (all silver), holster (without leg tie), climbing rope, plastic rucksack with straps, Sterling machine gun with clip, 3 x dynamite sticks, mess tin, knife, fork, spoon, canteen (all silver), compass, pliers, flashlight (green), map of Dragon Island, information leaflet. Equipment Manual.
The Action Man Secret Mission to Dragon Island jacket was equipped with a lightweight jacket and trousers and helmet with a plastic strap. The current figure in 1975 was a flock haired gripping hands Action Man. The map and backpack are unique to this set, the map being particularly rare - especially in unfolded condition. The back pack is not a sophisticated piece - it would have been much better in fabric, and its plastic straps and buckles tend to 'feather' on their edges - the buckles often are missing at least one tab. The pistol, knife and canteen were all silver with no paintwork, differing from earlier part-painted issues. The canteen is the squashy issue (not the hard plastic with black top) and is not on the box artwork, but collectors with sealed sets insist it is part of the set, and the knife has a rounded end, one assumes to satisfy safety standards of the time. The gold pliers are hard to find unbroken, and featured first in the Action Man Crash Crew Set. Dragon Island has the Sterling with plastic strap as elastic was newly phased out in the mid 1970s. Figure shown has additional scarf (muffler) and binoculars for display only.
Action Man 'Secret Mission to Dragon Island' Information Leaflet
Action Man Secret Mission to Dragon Island Set