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Infantry Support Weapons 1969

Period: Painted Head / Flock Head

Dates: 1969 until 1970

Cat No: 34120

Based on Action Man Action Soldier figure:

Brown boots and fatigues are needed from the basic figure.

Infantry Support Weapons Description:

"Kit out your Action Man for every phase of military service with these authentic true-scale equipment sets", read the Equipment Manual. The Infantry Support weapons (also known as 'Heavy Weapons'), is basically an accessorised Action Soldier. The accessories could be bought separately and included:

Action Man Infantry Support Weapons Sets:


ACTION MAN INFANTRY SUPPORT WEAPONS SET: 81mm mortar, 3 x mortar rounds, M60 heavy machine gun, bi-pod, ammo strip, bullet-proof vest, mortar instructions. Equipment Manual.

Equipment Cards:


ACTION MAN MACHINE GUN SET : M60 heavy machine gun, bi-pod, ammo strip, ammo box. Equipment Manual.

93735520 & 34231:

ACTION MAN 81MM MORTAR: 81mm mortar body, 3 x mortar rounds, bi-pod with elevation chain, base plate, mortar instructions. Equipment Manual.


The Action Man Infantry Support Weapons (Heavy Weapons) outfit is a fully accessorised Action Man Action Soldier. The vest often loses its grenades and hanging rings, and sometimes the epaulets. The machine gun and mortar are common, however the M60's bi-pod is more often than not broken. Many accessories were available for pocket money prices, and it would have taken a few trips to the toy shop to get a completely kitted out Soldier. The Army Manual (that was included with the boxed Action Soldier) had details of how to set up this figure, and the Action Man accessories available.

40th Range

Action Man Infantry Support Weapons fully accessorised

Action Man Infantry Support Weapons ammo clip detail

Action Man 81mm Mortar-instructions

Action Man Infantry Support Weapons bullet-proof vest

Action Man M60 Heavy Machine Gun

Action Man 81mm Mortar

1969 Action Man Official Equipment Manual

Action Man Official Equipment Manual 1969

Action Man Sets and Equipment Cards



HELMET 93935510 and 34201

SAND BAGS 93735520

MORTAR 34231