Deep Sea Diver 1967
Period: All periods
Dates: 1967 until 1984
Cat No: Various
Deep Sea Diver Description:
"Action Man's equipped for underwater adventure! You can make him dive, surface, blow air bubbles - just like those human heroes that risk their lives exploring the ocean's murky depths" read the Equipment Manual of 1968. The Deep Sea Diver set was a firm favourite when taking Action Man to water and complemented the Action Sailor Range. He would dive and resurface by way of blowing down the air tubes into his (for the most part) waterproof suit. In reality it leaked, and caused some rusting to Action Man's internals. The Talking Commanders were forbidden this set for obvious reasons. There were many variations and modifications through the longest run of any outfit. He was joined by an Underwater Explorer in 1970.
ACTION MAN DEEP SEA DIVING EQUIPMENT: Fabric diving suit, boots, gloves, boot 8 weights, belt with weights, oxygen pump (built in compass), air hoses, sledge hammer, marker buoy with flag, knife, scabbard, rope, instruction leaflet, Equipment Manual.
ACTION MAN DEEP SEA DIVER: Fabric diving suit, boots, gloves, boot weights, belt with 2 weights, oxygen pump (built in compass), air hoses, sledge hammer, marker buoy with flag, knife, scabbard, rope, instruction leaflet, Equipment Manual.
ACTION MAN DEEP SEA DIVER OUTFIT: Fabric diving suit, boots, boot weights, breast plates, equipment belt, spanner, torch, plier, oxygen pump (paper sticker), air hoses, sledge hammer, knife, scabbard, instruction leaflet, Equipment Manual.
The early Action Man Deep Sea Diver diving suits were initially lined with a latex, which over the years is more than likely to show up as powder as it degrades rapidly. Deep Sea Diver Helmets were originally screw-fit, progressing to bayonet - the red screw valve is often missing. Other revisions to diving equipment included 4 weight blocks to the belt (originally 8), new belt, and replacing the real compass on the 'oxygen pump' with a paper sticker. Later editions also featured individual tool belt and tools such as spanner, pliers and torch.
Action Man Sets