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British Infantryman 2017

Period: 50th Anniversary

Dates: Jan 2017 -

Cat No: AM00005

50th Anniversary Action Man British infantryman

British Infantryman Description:

On 19th January 2017 a uniform set reminiscent of a British Infantryman "Soldiers of the World" uniform was released to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the basic Action Man Action Soldier of 1966 in the UK. This release helps to re-establish the Action Man brand once more in the height of it's glory. The British Infantryman's equipment appears similar in design to the 'Soldiers of the World British Infantryman' with brown boots more akin to the 'GI Joe' British Commando (those without laces). Main differences to the uniform are the inclusion of specific medal ribbons (Rob Wisdom of the Unofficial Action Man HQ suggested a more accurate medal rendition in terms of detail and colour of ribbon decal and Division Patch. He was responsible for the artwork of these) and identifiable military patch - that of the 50th Infantry Division. The 50th Infantry Division were veterans of D-Day (Gold Beach), Africa, Italy, France and Germany during WW2 they won more Victoria Cross gallantry medals than any other division. The ribbons are appropriately (top to bottom, left to right) VC, 1939-45 Star, War Medal, Africa Star, France and Germany Star, Italy Star. He is included with a self-assemble gas mask and STEN clip in the gas mask bag. He has flock hair, and gripping hands and a hand-made body similar to the original Action Man action figures of the 1960s and 1970s. He comes in a quality window box that also doubles as a presentation box with poppy field 3D diorama.


Go to official website for more information on this figure:

Action Man 50th Anniversary British Infantryman:


BRITISH INFANTRYMAN SET (AM716): Action Man figure (brown flock), Dog Tog, Tunic and trousers ('Battledress'), boots (short, brown), helmet, belt, gaiters (elastic), gas mask, gas mask bag, STEN sub machine gun and clip, canteen and cover, Victoria Cross Medal, booklet.


The original British Infantryman of 1968 was a very popular set, along with the German Stormtrooper in the Soldiers of the Century (SOTC) range. The range ran for many years and became Soldiers of the World (SOTW) in 1973 with slight visual modifications. The proper army way of wearing the Gas Mask Bag is to wear it under the shoulder straps and across the chest as shown in the (redressed) images. The gas mask from purchase is disassembled to fit within the gas mask bag, and clear lenses are supplied to be fitted into the face mask. The uniform finish high quality.

Action Man 50th British Infantryman

50th Action Man British infantryman

Action Man 50th British Infantryman

50th Anniversary Action Man British infantryman Box

Action Man 50th British Infantryman Box

Action Man 50th British Infantryman and dog tag

Vintage Tommy Gunn Medal cards showing the exact ribbons adopted for the 50th Action Man British Infantryman group

Tommy Gunn Medal Cards

Action Man 50th British Infantryman equipment

50th Action Man British infantry

Action Man 50th British Infantryman Gas Mask

50th Action Man British Infantry Gas Mask

Action Man 50th British Infantryman Box reverse

Action Man 50th British Infantryman Victoria Cross

Visit Official Action Man Website

Action Man British Infantryman