Spartan Personnel Carrier 1977
Period: Eagle Eye
Dates: 1977 until c1978
Cat No: 34732
Spartan Personnel Carrier Contents:
Spartan Personnel Carrier
Sticker Sheet
Equipment Manual
Action Man Spartan Personnel Carrier Description:
"Can be used to transport six Action Men to the front line in safety. Command turret revolves and the driver's hatch opens".
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This vehicle is rarer than the more popular Action Man Scorpion Tank. Like the Scorpion, the Action Man Spartan's hatches are vulnerable to damage (and are unique to this vehicle). Also susceptible to damage are the mud flaps and rear door hinges. We heard a story of a boy who had one of these as a child. He was derided by his friends with Action Man Scorpions because his Action Man Spartan didn't have a turret and wasn't a proper 'tank''. He eventually became a British soldier and was actually driving one in the first Gulf War. He was waiting on the border ready to go into Iraq and his mind briefly went back to his favourite toy.